Friday, 31 July 2009

I accidently read an article in the Economist

rite. was gonna write some spiel on the Unification of the Arab States but decided this was boring and 'though i love tryin to scare amerikans (just coz They think everyones scared of Them)  i am no longer a teenage punkster.
Instead, I have decided to rant about Muslin. I HATE Muslin. It's pathetic. like cheezecloth. pointless. can't even make t-bags outta it. and looks silly when worn as headgear. Not that i have anything against Turbans. (tho i hate Fez's - very silly hats). Tommy Cooper I think, summed this up by saying ' Ali Bongo must Die, (just like that)', and, just like that, he did. Not Ali, Tommy.
But anyway, Muslin is shite. Poy-oi-oi-nt. Less. Materialistic Material defined by a 70's kitsch wot duzznt exist. but i thort kitsch was an 80's word that didn't even exist in the 70's so no-one even knew that what they were creating was going to be considered of low value...but it seems I was wrong again after researching the word....  but that's another thing i hate... words - umbrella words that define a whole time period/cultural reference that didn't exist until afterwards. like Pre-Post-Future-Modernism (i made that one up), or STRESS!.  Stress didn't exist in the 70's. It was called Anxiety and came in 'Attacks'. Nowadays, it's part of the human condition. Another phrase i hate. ' the Human Condition'. What a load of twaddle!
But this is actually all Bollox and I don't believe a word i'm saying. I actually LOVE Muslin. It's great. I think we should make tents outta it and paint pictures onnit. It would make good parachute material on the moon and look nice. And... I really think the Arab states; Morocco, Mauritania, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Palestine, Lebanon, Egypt, Syria, Sudan, Jordan, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi, Qatar, Yemen, Djibouti, Somalia, Comoros, Oman, Bahrain and even the so called United Arab Emirates so UNIFY and UNITE and sell all us other 'poor' cuntries some subsidized OIL!

1 comment:

  1. I think you've bin smoking too much Muslin!!!! & where was the email about how shit you thought the Sick notes Lp was you big tent wearing big sheeps blouse!
    hate Rob
